10 life-enhancing reasons why a mindful life, leads to better wellbeing

Meditation brings calm, focus and space to choose in life and work. But to commit to meditation, as part of living mindfully, sets you on health, healing and happiness boosting path to better lifelong wellbeing. Here’s 10 reasons why…

list of mindful things

1) You hack your own health, healing & happiness

The tools and ‘self-sourced’ resources engaged are universally available and proven to reduce stress, pain, fatigue and anxiety. You develop mindful habits tailored to YOUR needs, turning this from textbook into a lived and embodied experience.

2) Unhealthy habits and patterns can’t hide

The more we pay attention to our day to day experience and to our reactions, the more we notice our habits and patterns. Healthy and unhealthy. They stand out like scratched vinyl. 

3) You respond more, react less, to life stress

‘Reactivity’ to stress in life and work is the root cause of much of our physical, mental and emotional suffering. And our busy, digitally crowded lives provide endless opportunities and triggers! You find space to respond.

4) We see more choices, with sincere intention

Whether in response to a stressful moment, or considering a life change, this space gives us choice. And by making self-supportive choices, we chart a course towards more nourishing experiences we intended. 

5) Burnout can happen but signs burn brighter

A more mindful life is not a life shielded from adversity, tragedy, hard work or crisis. There are no shortcuts, or free rides. But the symptoms of stress shine, as bright as the triggers which generated them in the first place.

6) We learn and grow from resilient foundations

Our starting point is always a place of resilience, fortified with coping strategies and supportive attitudes. And when challenging times inevitably arrive, we can use them confidently and regroup when they fall short. 

7) Our most valuable relationships flourish 

Starting with the relationship you have with yourself, with your direct physical, mental and emotional experience. Coming to terms with this and using what you learn, to enrich and add greater meaning to those you share with others. 

8) Empathy and compassion are embodied 

By sincerely and deeply listening to others and understanding their perspective, you become alive to their struggles, their joy and their pain. Empathy is more than a word. You feel it. Compassion is intentional, proactive. You do it.

9) Kindness, gratitude and generosity are habits

The more we connect with our own needs, our hopes and fears and the more we acknowledge our privilege or pain in life, the more we recognise this in others too. And the more we feel inclined to give.

10) The life you seek comes out of hiding

When you no longer grasp for a better tomorrow, or cling to rose-tinted memories of a past ‘best life’, you re-discover LIFE AS IT IS. Revealed in all its lucid, lived in glory. Totally tangible, full of potential and only ever here and NOW.

And a bonus 11th…

11) Boundaries are clear but don’t reject or exclude

You explore and clarify what relationships, activities, passions and pursuits are supportive of a healthy, happier life for you. You become more open to others in this process but it also becomes more obvious, what isn’t for you. 

I hope you find some Mindful inspiration in this list. And if you fancy trying for yourself, why not take this free guided course, which you can begin and revisit anytime.

Please feel free to share on the buttons below, with anyone who might benefit.

Have a wonderful day!


Waking Waves
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