Mindfulness Mirrors

Mindfulness Mirror on the wall

Which leadership foundation do I model most of all?

πŸͺž Intention

πŸͺž Curiosity 

πŸͺž Empathy

πŸͺž Gratitude

πŸͺž Compassion

It’s no secret Mindfulness is a self-reflective practice.

A non-judgemental and compassionate witnessing of your unfolding experience.


The foundational habits at its core can be applied to both our INNER and OUTER worlds. 

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Mindfulness Mirrors

πŸͺž Intention 

Mindfully set intentions align deeply held values with a purposeful sense of direction.

Inner β†’ Aligned Intention

Outer β†’ Purposeful Action

Purpose set, we act with clarity and consistency. Teams feel psychologically safe. Inspired.

Pre-frontal-cortex powered goal-setting 🧠

πŸͺž Curiosity 

Consciously looking within, we open our capacity for learning, personal growth and healing.

Inner β†’ Reflective Inquiry

Outer β†’ Beginner’s Mind

Receptive and open, we create space for fresh perspective, so ideas + innovation can bloom.

Increased cognitive flexibility and memory 🧠

πŸͺž Empathy 

Non-judgemental, caring, and patient noticing of emotional states, lowers stress reactivity.

Inner β†’ Self-empathy

Outer β†’ Mirrored neurons

They fire when we consciously walk in others’ shoes. We see perspective. Share experience.

Insula-tuned empaths keep healthy boundaries 🧠

πŸͺž Gratitude 

Mindfully β€˜taking in the good’ is an intentional act of self-care, requiring no fortune or luck.

Inner β†’ Rewiring positively 

Outer β†’ Builds stronger bonds

Authentic gratitude expressed regularly encourages trusting, bonded and motivated teams.

Neural pathways wired for positivity 🧠

πŸͺž Compassion 

Self-kindness eases suffering. And can be a mindful path to emotional balance and stress resilience.

Inner β†’ Self-compassion

Outer β†’ Compassion for others

Recognising the suffering of others and consciously seeking to alleviate it, boosts wellbeing and belonging.

Oxytocin infused caregiving 🧠

Stimulating our brains and bodies towards healthier outcomes.

Inspiring those we lead or care for, in meaningful ways.

See a mirror worth your reflection?


Derek Hill

Waking Waves
πŸ“§ hello@wakingwaves.com
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


The Lenses of Mindfulness