Self-care at your fingertips ⌨️

Our trusty QWERTY keyboards.

They’ve been with us for 150 years*. And they rarely let us down. We use them to create important (and not so important!) messages everyday. From texts, emails, posts and blogs, to meeting requests, invoices, documents and reminders. And they work pretty well. Especially when we have a to-do list in front of us.

But what if our ‘list’ is less about tasks? What if we need a break? Some self-care inspiration? A gentle reminder each day to look after ourselves and others? Trusty old QWERTY seems to lack a little in visual inspiration.

So 150 years on….this ‘highly technical’ makeover is here to change that:



Key[board] 🗝

A Allow space and time for your self-care.
B Be grateful and reflect on the good in life.
C Choose love, not anger or hate. Then all win.
D Dig deeper to reach roots. Question sincerely.
E End toxicity in relationships, health & work.
F Feel curious and feel wonder, to feel alive.
G Give time and attention, to health and others.
H Have fun whenever the opportunity arises!
 I Invite calm moments in your day. Enjoy.
J Join others to experience & learn new things.
K Know joy when you experience it. Take it in.
L Laugh more for natural highs & stress relief.
M Meet pals who make you feel happy. 

N Notice life around you. You are part of it.
O Open up to those who trust and care for you. 
Play boosts energy, creativity & connection.
Q Quit noise and give yourself some quiet time.
R Re-energise with healthy food and rest.
S Share a gift to inspire kindness in others. 
T Take 5 mins for your mental wellbeing.
U Unhook from media & constant distractions.
V Venture out in nature. Leave a comfort zone.
W Wake early to hear the birds, to start fresh.
X X out worry by paying attention. Here. Now. 
Y Yap less than you need to. Listen more.
Z Zoom in to find stillness. Breathe. Sit. Listen.

CUT waste in consumption, in life and work.
SHIFT perspective by accepting change.
? ASK more in life and relationships. Learn more.


Need more inspiration?

Sometimes a small reminder is all we need, to take care of our health and wellbeing. Even if it fits on a single key! Post-it notes and stickers work too. Try a word each week, or a theme for the month. Share it on the buttons below with a friend, family member or colleague and take notice of how it affects your life.

Would love to hear any ideas for the keyboard or any helpful ‘words’ you come across. Share them and we should have space for a couple in the carousel above :)

Have a wonderful day!



Meaningful May Connection 💚


Attitudes of Mindfulness