Mindful Leadership “Presence” in Depth

We’ve all been out of our depth 🫧

Frantically grasping for the sides when overworked. Or gasping for air when we’re overwhelmed by stress.

We might even hit rock bottom with Burnout.

So we’re forced to:

🫧 Put aside time for self-care. 

🫧 Take sick leave for overwhelm. 

🫧 Involuntarily make life changes.

But a Mindful Leader doesn’t do this. 


Because whether they’re:

↓ Out of their depth

↓ Going under 

↓ In deep water 

↓ Hitting rock bottom 

They can find…

“Mindful Leadership Presence in Depth”

(If re-sharing, please tag / reference Waking Waves keeping visual intact)


↓ Out of their depth

They become curious in unfamiliar waters. Recognising ‘perfect’ conditions can never exist. Mindfully pausing not panicking. 

They know their limits.
They know to seek help.

↓ Going under 

The signs of stress will already have shown. And having counted cost, they take preventative measures. 

They invest in their self-care.
They protect others.

↓ In deep water 

They won’t resist or deny challenges. Accepting of pressures they must face. And trusting they can find calm in deeper water.

They act purposefully.

They authentically inspire. 

↓ Hitting rock bottom 

They recognise their lowest point may be their deepest learning. And the courage to show vulnerability leads others to a sense of safety.

They invest in self-compassion.

Not self-criticism.

 - - -

The Mindful Power of Choice

There’s no coming up for air 🫧

When presence can be found in depth.

Which level is familiar to you?

Waves of transformation

Waves of Transformation

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All the best,


Waking Waves
📧 hello@wakingwaves.com
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3 Stress-Busting Breathers to kickstart a mindful habit


The Mindful Leader’s Attitudes