The Mindful Leader’s Attitudes

What distinguishes being mindful from leading mindfully?

Because we can all practice mindfulness, when we…

 - Pay more attention to Life.

 - Respond NOT react to Stress.

 - Make wise choices for Wellbeing.

But leading mindfully?

This asks for a little more of us.


  • Consciousness of others, their needs and teams dynamics. 

  • Sensitivity to business needs, expectations, purpose and performance.

  • Awareness of the interdependency and relationship between these.

Which means we need a more nuanced approach to mindfulness.

We need the right kind of attitudes.

We need…

The Mindful Leader’s Attitudes 📗

🌱 A Beginner’s Mind

😌  Accepting

🔐 Trusts

🕰️  Patient

🌊  Non-Striving

🎈  Lets Go

🙏  Gratitude

⚖️  Non-Judging

Image: The Mindful Leader’s Attitudes. Inspired by the ‘Emotion Wheel’ (psychologist Robert Plutchik)

(If re-sharing, please tag / reference Waking Waves keeping visual intact)


2 ways to practice:

→  in Meditation
→ in Leadership

🌱 A Beginner’s Mind

Meditation → Be open and curious, seeing new (or old) experiences with fresh eyes and wonder.
Leadership → Embrace diverse perspectives and ideas.

😌  Accepting

Meditation → Respond to what’s here, without resisting.
Leadership → Adapt to change or difficulty, without blame.

🔐 Trusts

Meditation → Trust in ‘your’ experience and the process.
Leadership → Build trust empowering others to achieve.

🕰️  Patient

Meditation → See learning available now, not in the future.
Leadership → See possibility, by letting learning unfold.

🌊  Non-Striving

Meditation → Let go of outcomes. Experience ‘this’ state.
Leadership → Let journeys teach us, not outcomes rule us.

🎈  Lets Go

Meditation → Not clinging. Releasing attachment.
Leadership → Let old ideas make way for fresh innovation.

🙏  Gratitude

Meditation → Appreciating this moment and ‘good’ in life.
Leadership → Cultivate a ‘gratitude’ culture. Express it.

⚖️  Non-Judging

Meditation → Impartially witness your experience.
Leadership → Observe others without evaluating or assessing.


Waking Waves of Transformation


To learn more mindful ways to manage your stress, or to arrange a talk, workshop or course, get in touch!

Which attitude stands out for you?


Waking Waves
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


Mindful Leadership “Presence” in Depth


The A-Zen of Living Mindfully