The 5-step checklist to Transform Your Relationship with Stress
Stress affects us all. At times it can feel like we can’t live with it - especially how it negatively impacts our health and wellbeing.
But we can’t live without stress.
The stress we experience is a natural response to threat, pressure or difficulty in our lives. And it’s not all bad.
Things tend to go wrong, when we continuously react to stress, instead of responding self-supportively. When our stress becomes episodic, or even chronic stress.
Some of this unavoidable.
But much of it is avoidable.
A relationship we can transform, through stress management practices, mindfulness, exercise and connection with others - to name a few.
So today, we are sharing a 5 step checklist to help you respond, instead of reacting to Stress. And 3 ways Waking Waves can support you individually, or as an organisation.
The 5-step Checklist
☑ Reality check
☑ Stress check
☑ Health check
☑ Habit check
☑ The Next Step? (Transformation)
Reality Check
“Recognise that I can’t ‘stop’ stress”
✅ Our stress response is the body’s natural way of coping with threat, pressure and challenges. ‘Stressing us out’ since prehistoric times.
Knowing I can’t ‘stop’ it relieves some responsibility.
Stress Check
“I can learn about Stress and how it affects my health"
✅ Stress ranges from acute to chronic. There’s ‘good stress’ too. And all affect our health, sleep, digestion, mood, energy and anxiety levels.
Knowing stress isn’t ‘1 thing only’ gives me perspective.
Health Check
“I can self-assess and talk to peers, family and friends.”
✅ The Perceived Stress Scale is one subjective way to gauge stress levels. Those around you, can add more objective feedback and supportive advice.
Knowing my ‘level’ of stress + support gives me confidence.
Habit Check
“I can reflect on my self-caring habits and routines”
✅ Getting the right balance of rest, exercise, hobbies, work downtime, diet and social support is crucial for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Knowing the routine I need to preserve, gives me stability.
“Makes sense! Now how do I maintain this?”
The Next Step (Transformation)
“I can choose to transform my relationship with stress”
💫 We can’t end stress. But we can get closer to root causes and triggers. And by mindfully responding instead of reacting, make healthier life choices.
Knowing the mindful choices available, gives me agency.
Guides, Tools and Resources
Mindfulness guides
The Wheel of Mindfulness 🎡 visual guide
The 6 Mindful Powers of The Breath 😮💨 visual guide
The Leader’s Burnout Cheatsheet 📘 visual guide
50 Mindfulness Paths to Presence 🪷 visual guide
Stress Awareness
The Carousel of Stress 🎠 visual guide
The 3 Stages of Stress [GAS Model] 💚 visual guide
The Health Impact of Allostatic Load ❤️🩹 visual guide
The Stress Performance Curve 📈 visual guide
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What one lifelong change could you make?
7 Contradictions of Leading Mindfully
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Waking Waves
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