Waves of Transformation: Mindful Stress Management (free) courses, tools & guides

We can’t end Stress. This is undeniably true.

And, while we only ever react, we can’t stop how it impacts our health and wellbeing. Our relationships - to loved ones, colleagues, teams and to the world around us.

Living in stress reactivity will only lead to more anxiety, unhappiness and burnout.

No, we can’t end Stress.

But we can do 1 thing.

We can..

“Transform our relationship with Stress.”

How? Here’s 3 essential steps and 1 mindful transformation:

Step 1: We become Stress aware

Understanding why our prehistoric wiring and social conditioning makes us susceptible and easily triggered.

Step 2: We find our benchmark

Reflecting on what causes us stress and self-assessing, to gauge ongoing stress levels

Step 3: We can take stock of self-care needs

Asking ourselves honestly - how much exercise, diet, sleep or support are we getting?

These are the Stress Essentials. And they’ll make a huge difference.

But to transform your relationship?

We need to make a choice. To apply these learnings proactively To mindfully respond, not just react to Stress. And in doing so,

🌊 Develop powerful coping strategies for difficult, or changing times.

🌊 Increase focus, decision-making and creative capacity.

🌊 Grow in awareness, engaging more deeply with “your” purpose.

🌊 Connect more meaningfully and compassionately in your relationships.

Sounds great, but how do I make a mindful transformation?

By starting…

Waves of Transformation 🌊

Waves of transformation intro

Waves of Transformation is a collection of stress management courses, videos, mindful resources and guides to help you transform your relationship with stress.

It’s all free.

And connects with a wider collection of premium courses that thousands have already completed. More on this coming soon!

8 week guide to De-Stress

I hope you enjoy Waves of Transformation,

And would love to hear how it helps you!

Derek Hill

Waking Waves
📧 derek.hill@wakingwaves.com
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


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